
Matthias Barth Architekt GmbH
Spiegelstr. 11
81241 München

Telephone: +49. 89. 820888. 01
E-mail: buero[at]

Managing director: Matthias Barth, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
Registered place of business: München
Commercial register: AG München HRB 205018
VAT-No.: DE 289 331483

The company Matthias Barth Architekt GmbH and the managing director are member of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects:
As professional relevant regulations are to be applied:
- The Baukammergesetz (BauKaG)
- The professional code of conduct of the Bavarian Chamber ofArchitects
- The Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers (HOAI)
The professional title "architect" was awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume anyliability for the contents of external links. The operators of linked sites are solely responsible for the content of their sites.

Website Design: Matthias Barth & Pascal Resch
Website technology and programming: Pascal Resch

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